About Ray
Six years ago, I had a very severe stroke. I was unable to speak and walk. My world collapsed.
This is the book that I wrote to try and regain life for myself.
Many people and departments helped me. These are The Stroke Foundation, Doctors and Nurses, Speech Therapists, Physio Therapists, State Head Injury Unit (SHIU), Occupational Therapists, Read Write Now (RWN), Aphasia Association, Mental Health Counsellors, Workplace Disability Service (Bizlink), family and friends.

Without the teamwork of these professionals, I wouldn’t have been able come as far as I have come. You see these people gave me the keys to unlock my body and mind but time and time they told me that I had to do the work. That’s when pain and healing came. There is a saying, “When the student is ready the teacher arrives”
Whether they have experienced stroke or other situations, this will help carers, family, friends and professionals, and it’s just a bloody good life story.
This is my story of how a stroke victims’ brain can find a way home.