My brain felt locked, and I couldn’t communicate with the outside world. From what I could see all the therapists would give me the keys, but I had to do the work.
After much speech therapy I blurted out the word ‘PIG.’ I felt that I had started to achieve something good. My Occupational Therapist taught me how to write ‘PIG’ and I was now able to start putting my words back into the library of my head after what seemed like a cyclone had gone through.

Try to imagine the local library being ransacked and all the books, papers, words, notices, and shelves being thrown around in all directions. That’s how my head seemed.

Now I had to make some sort of sense in getting the alphabet and numbers back together again, one number, one letter, one word, one sentence and one book at a time.
(to be continued …)

My Stroke Story
How I found my way back after stroke
A thirty-minute read to help you and your loved ones get back to living after stroke. You can see how a damaged mind can recover.
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